A bit more about me:
I have two kids, Keira and Liam.
My day job is working in technology. We live on small acerage in Kilmore, Victoria, Australia, so when I have time, I love spending time outside gardening and talking to my ducks.
“So why write about germs?!”
I hear you ask! It all started a few years back, when I was attempting to tell Keira about germs, how they are found on surfaces, and how we might get sick if we don’t wash our hands before eating, or if we put dirty fingers in our mouths.
As any parent of a small child would probably have discovered, it is quite difficult to explain about a world which is invisible to the naked eye, and it’s even harder to try and describe these critters. I must have tried a lot though, as Keira started to gain some interest in germs, and started to ask me more questions about them. And so some story telling began.
One day when I was toying with the idea of developing a book around the germ stories, and whilst sketching some cutsey germs, Keira pulled her chair up beside me, grabbed a pencil and drew her very own germ. Of course, this just had to be included in a book.
And so there we are. Whilst I may have applied a tonne of artistic license to the germs in the book, I hope they help explain to your little one about germs, and how we can avoid getting sick.
That’s the first book in the series, and I don’t intend on stopping there as my list of book ideas is growing. The next thing I need to learn is how to get more hours in the day. But don’t we all!
And now, a little about the star and inspiration of the show!
Miyam is Keira’s little side-kick who arrived on the scene just after she was one. He can always be found close by.
Miyam may now be a little scruffy around the edges, but he has been on so many adventures. He is very much a part of the review and editing process, as he sits on Keira’s lap re-reading my latest additions.
He’s obviously an in demand cat. Liam takes every opportunity to have a cuddle with Miyam when he is left unattended.
By the way, in case you are wondering, Miyam is pronounced “Mee Yaam”.
And then there are the other characters who crept into the book as I started writing. Of course Miyam needed a side-kick to join him in his adventures, and who better than Aqua Duck (or Aqua D for short).
Aqua D is a real duck. He hatched right here at home, but needed some TLC when he hurt his leg, so we had him in the house for a while to let him have some respite from the other ducks. It was probably at this time that he became best friends with Miyam. I mean, do any of us really know what these creatures get up to when we are fast asleep at night?
Na Na Bird is Miyam’s other friend. And again, she is a real bird. She has built nests in our eves, returning every spring to renovate and have her babies. She’s super quick at flying in and out of the nest so we don’t have a photo, but we often hear her call outside as she hunts for tasty insects for her chicks.
In January 2024, I published my second book, Cows might fly. And guess who have been by my side the whole time, adding their thoughts and ideas to the story and pictures?
I don’t have a plan when it comes to writing. Stories either come to life or they don’t. But for Cows might fly, Poppy leapt out the of middle of nowhere, and next thing she was on a page starring in my Miyam book series.
Perhaps it is a reflection of living in Kilmore, Victoria and having grown up on a cattle farm? I’ve always loved the antics of cows. I’ve even had “pet” cows growing up, so they definitely hold a special piece of my heart.
Of course, Miyam had to be involved so you’ll also find him in this book too. I’ve also hidden some other items and characters throughout the book just for fun!
A little about the star and inspiration of the show!
Miyam is Keira’s little side-kick who arrived on the scene just after she was one. He can always be found close by.
Miyam may now be a little scruffy around the edges, but he has been on so many adventures. He is very much a part of the review and editing process, as he sits on Keira’s lap re-reading my latest additions.
He’s obviously an in demand cat. Liam takes every opportunity to have a cuddle with Miyam when he is left unattended.
And then there are the other characters who crept into the book as I started writing. Of course Miyam needed a side-kick to join him in his adventures, and who better than Aqua Duck (or Aqua D for short).
Aqua D is a real duck. He hatched right here at home, but needed some TLC when he hurt his leg, so we had him in the house for a while to let him have some respite from the other ducks. It was probably at this time that he became best friends with Miyam. I mean, do any of us really know what these creatures get up to when we are fast asleep at night?
Na Na Bird is Miyam’s other friend. And again, she is a real bird. She has built nests in our eves, returning every spring to renovate and have her babies. She’s super quick at flying in and out of the nest so we don’t have a photo, but we often hear her call outside as she hunts for tasty insects for her chicks.
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